Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rain rain go away!

That's a song "the girls" and I used to sing all the time. Only we'd insert their names ... rain rain go away, Jaiden wants to go out and play! Lately it seems as if the rain is never really going to end. I know that in a few weeks, probably we'll be wishing it would cool off and rain again ... but for now??

Not so much. lol

We missed our last trip to Winnemucca because of the weather. Somehow, driving up over Donner Summit and the thought of having to chain up not only the truck ... but the trailer ... made wimps out of us all. Not to mention the possibility of actually spending the whole weekend in the trailer because it was either snowing or raining the whole time. Now we're going to try for the end of this month and see what happens.

All this rain has sure made our grass grow ... and grow ... and grow! I don't think it's ever been this green this late in the season. Our irrigation water is due to start in the next week and Lord only knows we don't need it at the moment. :D The horses are really enjoying the benefit of the weather. Lots of grass in the unused pasture(s) for them to chow down on. It's nice to feel like our "pasture ornaments" are serving at least some purpose other than decorative.

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