Sunday, April 25, 2010

Picnic memories

Jaiden and I were at the park on Friday and I got to thinking about picnics and what sort of memories she'll have when she's an adult ... what sort of memories my kids might have ... and the one I have.

I remember as a child, going on picnics quite often with my parents. The one, clearly defined memory is about the red plaid bag that was our "picnic bag". I think it was vinyl, I know it was red and maybe black plaid. And inside were red plastic boxes that got filled with all the goodies. I'm pretty sure there was a red thermos also ... but that's a bit fuzzy.

My mom would always pack those boxes (and they were sort of the size of shoe boxes, if my memory is accurate) with sandwiches or fried chicken ... celery with peanut butter or cheese ... bananas ... almost anything easy to eat with your fingers. :)

I try to think about my kids and what sort of "traditions" we might have had or that they remember ... guess I'll have to ask them some day soon!

Friday, April 16, 2010

ARGH !!!

So I spent about two hours last night trying to figure out why the heck the font changes in the posts and why I can't seem to get it to be the same throughout the blog ... and I give up! It makes no sense so I'm releasing the need to have it be orderly and allowing it to have the mind of it's own it seems to be demanding! lol

Rain has finally managed to stop for at least a while. Yesterday and today were relatively nice days. Tomorrow I'm taking my mom and our 3 yr old grand daughter Jaiden to see the movie How to Train Your Dragon. From what I hear it's supposed to be an awesome movie so I can't wait. I'll let you know how we liked it soon!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rain rain go away!

That's a song "the girls" and I used to sing all the time. Only we'd insert their names ... rain rain go away, Jaiden wants to go out and play! Lately it seems as if the rain is never really going to end. I know that in a few weeks, probably we'll be wishing it would cool off and rain again ... but for now??

Not so much. lol

We missed our last trip to Winnemucca because of the weather. Somehow, driving up over Donner Summit and the thought of having to chain up not only the truck ... but the trailer ... made wimps out of us all. Not to mention the possibility of actually spending the whole weekend in the trailer because it was either snowing or raining the whole time. Now we're going to try for the end of this month and see what happens.

All this rain has sure made our grass grow ... and grow ... and grow! I don't think it's ever been this green this late in the season. Our irrigation water is due to start in the next week and Lord only knows we don't need it at the moment. :D The horses are really enjoying the benefit of the weather. Lots of grass in the unused pasture(s) for them to chow down on. It's nice to feel like our "pasture ornaments" are serving at least some purpose other than decorative.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Trying something new!

I've been tinkering around with things on this blog and I think I've managed to make a slide show of family pictures. lol

Family slide show (Okay so you actually have to click on the button upper left to start a slide show. lol So much for thinking I'd figured out something cool. )

Today Howard's home on a furlough Friday and we have Jaiden and Charlie here. He's entertaining them with songs from Mama Mia. For some reason the little kids LOVE dancing and hopping around to the music from that awesome movie. That's left me with some time to play around with this blog thing. lol

After all the learning I did with html years ago, this seems far to easy and yet almost as perplexing to learn as the html was in the beginning. I remember Howard taking me to a book store to find a book on html. He handed me HTML for Dummies and told me to just open it and read a page. If it made sense and I thought I could understand it, that would be the book for me. I did as instructed ... looked up and my darling hubby and said, "Find me the book HTML for Morons, because I don't understand any of this!"

We eventually found me a book full of pictures. Pictures are good when they show you what you "should" be seeing. I realize now everything I know about computers I've learned on my own basically. Trial and error seem to be my mode of learning. My very first experiences with a computer were on a laptop that had no hard drive and everything had to be saved onto floppy disks. There were many many phone calls to Howard "Honey, I was trying to do this ... and here's what happened ... how do I fix it?" lol Poor Howard!

Anyway, kids are clambering to go to the park now so my time here is done for now. It's a beautiful sunny day so we're going to enjoy it completely!