Monday, September 15, 2008

Three weeks and counting ...

So ... I had my first appointment with the physical therapist at the clinic here in Lincoln. For the most part it went well and was fairly encouraging. He wants to stress building muscles more than the flex/bend aspect of recovery. He says that will come as I build muscles and that seems to make sense. He also said that I may never get the same degree/range of motion as the next person because I spent so much time prior to surgery being inactive because of the pain.

The exercises he's given me seem to be faster and easier to do but based on my attempt this afternoon I'm going to have to keep taking the drugs as long as I'm doing these exercises. Without the drugs even the simplest of movement reduces me to tears and frustration and a complete feeling of hopelessness. *sigh* I'm such a baby it's sad.

Tomorrow will be my first day home alone ... Howard's going back to work and I'll have Jaiden here by myself and I'm a little concerned how that's going to go with me not quite so swift in the walking department yet. lol Thankfully she's one of those really great toddlers who entertains herself and rarely gets into trouble. It will just be getting her lunch and then getting her into bed that has me worried.

Saturday we went to the Rhino store and ordered new seat belts and a back seat and Bryce is going to start the "remodel" this weekend probably. The finished product will look something like this ... it will even have the bracket for the ice chest on the back so we can take lunches with us on longer trips. The biggest difference is mine will have a backseat that goes in the rear bed ... between the front seats and the ice chest you can see.

One of these days I'll figure out this blog and how to make things work. It was easier when it was straight HTML years ago but I'm too lazy to dig out my books. lol

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